Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Back home from the final UK tour....

Back from an amazing, wild and fun last tour through the beautiful country of crisps and cider (both of which, much was had!) we have some sleep to catch up on, but more importantly, a few dozens of wonderful people and bands to thank, for making us feel so welcome, once again!

The list of friendly folks who let us either play, share their gear, crash on their floors, made us beans & hashbrowns or chili, hung out with us, gave us touristy information on where to find the best castles or all of these at once, is loooong..
THANK YOU, DIY Space for London, Baracke Münster, Edward, our beloved brothers Crusades, The Montague Arms for providing an aftershow-disco-space and last drinks, Caves <3 , Deadpunk Promotions and Dave, Scene Better Days and everyone at Wharf Chambers, the best buds ever Michael and Harry, Solitary Music Nerd, DIY Cardiff, UK SUBS (you guys ruled!), Sham City Roasters for the cake and Autonomes Zentrum Köln for letting us be part of a great B-Day party!
We had the best time and hope to see everyone again, sometime soon! Cheeerssss!

we'll be playing one (maaaybe two..tba!) final show at Booze Cruise Festival 2017 in Hamburg in June.