Wednesday, November 2, 2016

back from FEST15 & US Tour

THE FEST is over & so is our US east coast tour with Dan Webb and the Spiders. Some of us arrived back home safe & sound while others enjoy the pools & beaches of Florida for a little more of that "summer in october" we've all been craving for. Big hugs and endless love to all of you who hung out, partied with us, shared gear etc etc. Thanx, first of all, to Dan Webb and the Spiders who made the whole trip possible for us but also Worriers, Arms Aloft, Irish Handcuffs, Empty Lungs, No Fun, Thunderclap, FEST staff & all the volunteers, friends in Gainesville, UK crew, friends from back home....see y'all again soon. Pic by Jen Cray, check out the link for more pics:

pic by Jen Cray